God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” — Exodus 3:14
As Exodus 3 opens, we find Moses in a most extraordinary encounter, standing next to a burning bush wrestling through his doubts with God.
Where else do we see God revealing Himself, or His will, accompanied by fire? See Exodus 13:21, Exodus 15:7, Exodus 19:18 and Malachi 3:2–3. What does Hebrews 12:29 say about God?
Why would God choose fire? Because throughout Scripture, God presents fire as purifying and refining. It separates the impurities and leaves what is valuable. Friend, when God brings or allows the fiery furnace of discomfort in our lives, it does not burn indiscriminately. It burns intentionally, to make us more like Him. We can trust that it is always for our refinement and never for our destruction. God knew Moses was about to walk with God’s people through some serious refining.
God also knew Moses lacked what He needed to step into His assignment. So, the fire was dramatic. Necessary. A powerful reminder of who God was, who Moses was, and who God was calling him to be.
In Exodus 3:11, Moses, who had been hiding as a fugitive for 40 years, questioned God’s assignment. Moses asked,
Who am I that I should go... and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
God simply replied,
I will be with you. — Exodus 3:12
It is interesting that God doesn’t build up Moses’ confidence. He simply gives Moses a promise. He affirmed that He would be with Moses.
Moses asks for more assurance. Who exactly is it that will be with him as he returns to Egypt?
God then gives Moses a special revelation of who He is. God gives Moses a new name to call Him. God says, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Though the meaning of this name is not completely certain, one possible meaning is “I will be to you all that I AM.”
How I love this name God has given Moses in the midst of the fear of the unknown! God knew what lay ahead for Moses. Moses did not. Through this name, God promised to be EVERYTHING Moses needed. Everything Israel needed to ensure that the nations around them knew that the Israelites’ God was the One True God.
How do the following New Testament passages undergird what we have learned in today’s reading? (Romans 8:35–37, 1 Peter 1:6–7, and James 1:2–4)
What a beautiful reminder that who we are is not nearly as important as who God is.